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Problems with Transmission Popping Out of Gear
This is practically the
number one complaint on early Ford (1939 and newer) three speed
transmissions. The most common symptom is that the trans is popping out
of 2nd gear under deceleration. This action generally occurs while in
second gear and the driver lets off the gas (reducing power to the
driveline) and will happen most frequently as the vehicle is going down
a hill in second gear. Because
the 1932 and newer transmissions had the helical cut gear teeth for
second gear, there is an axial thrust load on the gearset. In other
words, the gears tend to push themselves toward the front or the rear of
the gearbox, depending on the driving conditions. What happens is that
the connection between the second gear (7102 in the drawings) and the
synchronizer sleeve (7106 in the drawings) moves apart under
deceleration. The splines inside the sleeve will disengage from the
synchro teeth on the gear. There is a small amount of spline-to-tooth
engagement (about 1/8" from front to rear) so a relatively small
amount of slack in the transmission parts will allow that disengagement
movement. There are
multiple reasons for this slack and the rebuilder must evaluate each
possibility for any contribution to the problem. Let's look at each
point and how it must be addressed. These transmissions are typically 60
to 70 years old with many miles on them. They may have been poorly
maintained over their lifespan. They may have been abused by various
drivers over the years. They may have had inadequate or improper
rebuilds during their life, so finding the root cause may involve more
than one single issue. The
1932 to 1938 type transmissions used an early version of a synchronizer
assembly. Some details relating to the endplay of second gear will be
different from the 1939 and newer type.
- Worn Second Gear: The
7102 second gear (located on the mainshaft) has 30 small synchronizer
engagement teeth. These teeth will have parallel sides of about
1/8" apart, and have a pointed tip that faces the synchronizer
sleeve. As the gear wears, there will be a loss of tooth width and the
pointed end will become rounded off. This leaves less tooth to grasp
and hold into place. Also, the internal bronze bushing used on most of
these gears will eventually wear to the point that the gear can rock
slightly on the mainshaft, tipping some of the synchro teeth even more
out of alignment. This bushing was manufactured into the steel gear
and was never sold as a service part. If the bushing or the synchro
teeth are well worn, the gear must be replaced. Some variations of
these gears were made with an exact ground and finished inside bore,
and did not come with a soft bushing insert.
Excessive Endplay in the
Gearset: Mainly, this involves movement of
second gear on the 7061 mainshaft, but also includes movement of the mainshaft
in the gearbox case. When second gear and the synchronizer assembly are
installed on the mainshaft, their movement is limited by the shoulder at
the front of the spiral splines on the mainshaft, and the lock ring
(7059) placed in its groove just in front of the synchro hub. This
movement is supposed to be limited to 0.004 to 0.008" and is
checked with a feeler gauge after the two components (and any required
spacer washers) are fitted in place. It is best to keep this clearance
(or endplay) to the minimum 0.004" as much as possible. Various
spacing washers are available to limit this endplay.
transmission input shaft (7017 main drive gear) and output shaft (7061
mainshaft) are controlled to their exact locations by their ball bearing, the
snap ring on each bearing, and the front & rear bearing retainers
(7050 and 7085). When the mainshaft (which carries second gear) is
allowed to drift toward the rear of the gearbox, the 2nd/high shifter
fork is going to hold the synchro sleeve (7106) in its normal
position.....and the drifting action will carry second gear and the
mating synchro teeth further away from each other. There are two details
to watch in controlling this problem. First is the correct snap ring
(7070) on the rear ball bearing. This retaining ring is supposed to be
0.075 to 0.077" thick. A used ring should never be reinstalled on a
bearing as the ring will be worn in its inner face (where it fits into
the groove of the bearing). Many aftermarket suppliers of snap rings do
not have the correct thickness for this ring. Be sure to use a new ring
of the correct thickness here. Also, the front (7051) and rear (7086)
retainer gaskets should not be excessively thick or the gasket will hold
the bearing retainer away from the case, allowing the ball bearing to
travel toward the rear. The correct gasket thickness should be
approximately 0.014 to 0.016" thick. A simple test for shaft
endplay is to push-pull the shaft with your hand.....after you have
installed the shaft with its bearing, snap ring, and bearing retainer in
place. On closed drive transmissions, you will have to install the
universal joint on to the mainshaft. You have to grab the front half of
the U-Joint to push-pull the shaft assembly. Any visible movement
front-to-rear, which you will be able to feel and perhaps see, will
indicate the possibility of excessive endplay. Recheck the assembly and
fit of everything to determine the problem.
The 1932 and
newer three speed transmissions generally had an oil baffle (7080)
located on the back end of the mainshaft (7061) just ahead of the rear
ball bearing. It is important that the correct baffle is in place as it
also positions the mainshaft on its final assembly position.
Worn Shifter Fork: The
2nd/high shift fork (7230) can be badly worn at the fork tips. This is
usually evident by a curved wear pattern at the point where each tip
fits into the fork groove of the synchronizer sleeve (7106). The fork
can also be worn in the upper slot where the shifter lever makes contact
with the fork for front-to-rear shifting action. In either case, if a
new or good used fork is not available, you will have to weld up the
worn areas to restore them to the original dimensions, and carefully
grind or file the welding to make as smooth a fit as the original.
Worn Shifter Lever: In
the case of the toploader three speed transmission, the shifting lever
(7210) has a small nub about 2" up from the bottom tip, which is
the actuating portion for the 2nd gear shifting fork. As with the fork,
a welded repair will work if a new or good used lever is not available.
The nub is 0.501" in diameter. The normal wear will occur at the 3
o'clock and the 9 o'clock positions on this nub.
In the case of a side loader transmission, check the adjustment of the
two shifter rods as one or both might not be placing the transmission
fully into a gear position. Set the shifter lever (at the steering
column) in neutral and secure it there. Remove the shifter rods at the
ends with the adjustable clevis. Place the gearbox shift levers into
their respective neutral detent positions. Re-position each shift rod
onto its own shift lever..........adjust the threaded clevis to raise or
lower the rod until it aligns and fits into its lever without having to
push or pull it into place. Tighten the clevis lock nut and repeat the
same adjustment on the other shift rod. Replace any worn bushings in the
shifter rods if needed.
Other Things to Check:
There can be other factors contributing to the popping out problem. In
no particular order, consider these potential issues:
Badly worn
(or even missing) pilot bearing, allowing the input shaft & gear to
wander out of alignment
Gearbox case
not bolted tightly to the engine bell housing, or something keeping the
gearbox out of alignment to the engine.
Broken caged
roller bearing (7118) in the back pocket of the 7017 main drive gear,
allowing the 7061 mainshaft to drop out of alignment.
rear bearing retainer. Some early truck retainers do not come with the
retaining ring cast into the retainer, and have been mistakenly used in
place of the correct B-7085 retainer and B-5099 plate that is
supposed to be used on the 1932-36 three speed rear supports.